Changing Regulations

The Zoning Bylaw regulates development on private land in Edmonton. These regulations can be changed by City Council through a Zoning Bylaw text amendment.

Text amendments are not the same as a rezoning; they apply to the entire city instead of to one specific property.

Zoning Bylaw Team

The Zoning Bylaw Team is responsible for updating Zoning Bylaw 12800 to align with The Way We Grow, Edmonton’s Municipal Development Plan, and meet the needs of communities, applicants and development officers.

In 2019, the Zoning Bylaw Team accomplished:

  • 10 bylaw amendments
  • 11 reports to Executive and Urban Planning Committees

The Zoning Bylaw Team 2020 Work Plan lists the projects that will be undertaken by the team this year. This document will let you know what changes might be coming to the Zoning Bylaw, and help flag important projects you may wish to provide your feedback on. 


Current Amendment Projects

Current Amendment Projects

The Zoning Bylaw Team is working on various projects. Read about the project’s status, whether it is targeted for Urban Planning Committee or City Council, and the best way to become involved in the public involvement process.

Archived Projects

Archived Projects

Learn more about past projects completed by the Zoning Bylaw Team.​

Text Amendment Process

Text Amendment Process

Public involvement is an important part of the text amendment process. Text amendments to the Zoning Bylaw follow the following four stage process:

Zoning Text Amendment Project Stages

Information Gathering

During the information gathering stage, City staff research text amendment options and any associated land use issues. At this stage, information may be compiled into a report and presented to the Urban Planning Committee of Council. The Urban Planning Committee may recommend that City Council consider a Zoning Bylaw text amendment.

Public Involvement: Many of the projects listed here have a public engagement component that will be described in greater detail on the individual project page.  We welcome public involvement, and it helps to inform recommendations and reports to City Council. 

Draft Amendment

During the draft amendment stage, City staff use the information obtained during the information gathering stage to craft a draft Zoning Bylaw amendment.

Public involvement: The draft amendment will be sent or presented to interest groups such as community associations, business groups, City of Edmonton departments, external government agencies, or the general public in order to get feedback. The amendment may be redrafted several times at this stage to reflect the comments received. 

Proposed Amendment

During the proposed amendment stage, the draft bylaw is finalized and a report is prepared for a public hearing and Council vote.

Public Involvement: If you wish to offer feedback at this point in the process, you must register to speak to Council at a public hearing. Please consult the City Council and Public Hearing Schedule for further information about speaking during a public hearing.

Council Decision

At the council decision stage, the proposed text amendment must receive three readings from Council in order to be added to the Zoning Bylaw.

Public Involvement: There is no public involvement at this stage of the process.