Moving Forward with Focus: A simplified process will ensure consistent and informed planning decisions as we implement The City Plan.

No city is static, and The City Plan has put into sharper focus the need to simplify our land use policies. We are cleaning up our policy landscape through the City Planning Framework project, a two-phased project to simplify land use plans to ensure our neighbourhoods are adaptive and responsive to our collective city-building goals.

Streamlining our policies creates clarity and supports our city-building partners by reducing barriers and making it easier to work together with us to welcome the next one million people to our city.

Project Goals

We’re setting ourselves up for success through the City Planning Framework. The project has 4 goals:

  1. Simplify the planning framework
  2. Clarify the planning tools
  3. Develop the land use plan life cycles
  4. Align the framework with Branch work planning and corporate budget cycles

A graphic showing the Planning and Environment Services Framework's 4 goals. View full size image

Occurring over 2 phases, the City Planning Framework will improve our planning policy by creating a process to ensure land use plans remain responsive to the present and future planning needs. It will streamline our policy landscape, improve clarity and accessibility, and support our city-building goals.