The renewal of Emily Murphy Park is now complete.

Project Update - October 2021

Work to renew paved roads, parking lot surfaces and signage in Emily Murphy Park is now complete. The park is now fully accessible to the public. It is anticipated that the playground will open in late October.

Project Overview

Emily Murphy Park is located on the south bank of the North Saskatchewan River between Kinsmen Park and Hawrelak Park.

It is an active year-round park site and is heavily used for recreation as part of the North Saskatchewan River Valley parks system. It offers Edmontonians access to the natural river valley through trails, a boat launch area, bookable picnic sites, a playground and parking areas.

The infrastructure in Emily Murphy Park has deteriorated over time as a result of heavy usage and weathering. The purpose of this project is to renew the existing park roads, parking areas, and signage at Emily Murphy Park to revive this high-quality public space within the North Saskatchewan River Valley.

In addition to renewing the existing infrastructure, we will also be decommissioning the existing water fountains, which will be replaced with a new fountain as part of the renewal of the washroom facility. Additionally 2 new gravel trail connections will be added to formalize existing informal paths, and improve pedestrian connections into the park site.