The City of Edmonton values the safety and security of visitors and staff, and the protection of personal and public property at City  recreation facilities and attractions . City staff, corporate security and the Edmonton Police Service work together to prevent, monitor and react to any potential risks. Please do your part by showing respect for people and property at City facilities, and reporting any suspicious persons or activities to staff immediately.

Any person who commits a contravention will be asked to leave and may have privileges suspended from City recreation facilities and attractions.

What is a Contravention?

A contravention is an action or behaviour by a patron that:

  1. Violates a City of Edmonton rule, guideline or safety protocol
  2. Interferes with other patrons' ability to enjoy the use of City facilities
  3. Interferes with City staff’s ability to perform their duties 
  4. Constitutes an illegal activity

Print Contraventions & Responses