ARCSF Program is Accepting Applications for One Time Funding until August 24, 2022

The Anti-Racism Community Safety Fund (ARCSF) is a one-time program designed to support local initiatives and outcome-based activities in four areas that will promote anti-racism approaches to community safety in Edmonton. Requests for funding are being considered for projects and initiatives that range in scope from $150,000 - $250,000.

Four focus areas that have been identified as priorities by the Anti-Racism Advisory Committee to support are:

  • Community Justice: Promoting interventions for youth and BIPOC communities at risk, including encouraging the positive exchange of views and co-creation of solutions among Edmonton’s BIPOC Communities in areas such as restorative justice, crime prevention, victim services and youth justice committees
  • Mental Health: Bridging gaps and providing spaces for Edmonton’s BIPOC communities’ healing and wellness
  • Employment: Reducing barriers to hiring, providing leadership training and workplace skills training, including encouraging partnerships between employers and employees
  • Social Participation: Encouraging BIPOC communities to participate in community sport, the arts, and culture, as well as the creation and changing of public narratives

Funding Goals and Objectives

All projects must align with at least one of the following ARCSF goals and objectives of the City’s  approved Anti-Racism Strategy:

  • Reducing, with the intent of eliminating, incidents of racism and hate-based violence in Edmonton.
  • Disempowering the causes of such violence, i.e., to disempower racism in all its forms, and empowering anti-racism into as many layers as possible in the city.
  • Stimulating healing and facilitating recovery for communities affected by hate-based violence.
  • Increasing a sense of solidarity and connectedness between all diversities and communities in Edmonton.
  • Increasing knowledge of anti-racism in Edmonton and among our partners

Applicants are encouraged to apply for the grant most appropriate for their initiative based on the intended outcomes of the project.